;This file contains info on files to include and exclude ;Char position 1: ; D=Delete ; X=exclude the file from hashing ; Z=files to exclude from next list built when building list - the z-excludes are cleared. ; B=Build a list of all files in folder - exclude 'z' ;Char position 2 is F=File name or E=extension ;Char position 3 -> end is the file or extension ;2012-05-04 bad allow pdb to get hashed and not get deleted ;Files to delete DEOBJ DELIB DEEXP DELOG DEOCA DEPBF ;DEPDB DEBAK ;extensions to exclude from hashdir ;These shouldn't be there XEOBJ XELIB XEEXP XELOG XEOCA XEPBF ;XEPDB XEBAK ;^^^^^^^^ ;now all files get hashed - except qzip 3/2/07 ;XEBAT ;XEBMP ;XEDB ;XEDBG ;XEGIF ;XEJPG ;XEXLS XEQZIP ;files to exclude from hashdir ;now all files get hashed - except qzip 3/2/07 ;Needed package.txt to not use qzip 12/2/07 XFCHECKSUMS.TXT XFFILELIST.TXT XFPACKAGE.TXT XFM0001.TXT XFM0002.TXT XFM0003.TXT XFM0004.TXT ;;aupdefaults.txt is now just copied when needed - because of checksum issues 3/16/2007 ;XFAUPDEFAULTS.TXT ;XFFSCLIENTMAX.ini ;XFPACKAGE.TXT ;XFGUIPRODUCTION.TXT ;XFHASHRULES.TXT ;XFUSECHECKVERSION.TXT ;XFUSEAUTOUPDATE.TXT ;;;XFCLIENTIDS.TXT ;;;XFDIRECTORIES.TXT ;files to exclude from build list ZFCalldescription.txt ZFclientid.txt ZFclientidS.txt ZFCONTACTLIST.TXT ZFSYSTEMS.TXT ZFDIRECTORIES.TXT ZFELEMENTS.TXT ZFICONVIEW.EXE ZFSTATUSCODE.TXT ;Extensions to exclude from build list ZEQZIP ;Build a list of files BFFilelist.txt